
Hi, I'm Tiafau Purcell — a third generation pig farmer. Just kidding. But my last name does mean pig farmer or those whose occupation was swineherd. I'm originally from Laie, Hawaii and now reside in Provo, Utah with my family. I'm passionate about design, technology, and startups. I'm a user experience and interaction designer. I love designing and building beautiful web and mobile experiences. Designing user interfaces and products that people truly enjoy is what inspires me to do what I do.

My home away from home.

The Family

Meet the Purcell crew. This is what life's really all about. This is my team, my motivation, my inspiration.


Where do I begin? Marie is my right-hand and my left-hand. What can't she do? Besides being an amazing wife and mother, Marie is my favorite entrepreneur. She started an online baby girl clothing company called Little Miss Basics and has since sold it. She finds a way to do it all.


The firstborn. Adelyn likes to talk — a lot. Sometimes you will hear her giving orders to Avery and Christian. But she loves to play with her siblings and makes sure they are taken care of. Adelyn also enjoys to sing and dance. When Adelyn isn't playing, she's singing or dancing — and vice versa.


Six minutes after Adelyn was born, Avery decided to join us. She enjoys singing loudly and dancing. She is taking a dance class with Marie and learning the basics of ballet. When she's not singing or dancing, you can find her snitching a cookie from the cookie jar.


Man of the house. Christian is the one who keeps us in line. He loves his older sisters and always wants to be with them. Christian likes Elmo, grasshoppers, and balls. Right now, I'm trying to get him to love playing soccer — CT7. Christian also loves to read books, especially ones with animals.


Thanks for reading and getting to know me a little more. Check out my other pages including my work and ventures or my recommended books and favorite music.